Monday, December 8, 2014

Blog No.3

     I have a BIG problem. I want to change my project subject to something I would enjoy doing every Friday and at home. I realized that I don't want to do the bone thingy, because I don't really have an interest for it. Well, I do but its not strong enough. I want to do something that I look forward to do, and I wont mind doing for the rest of the year. I want to pick something that I REALLY want to do, so I don't change my mind later on in the year. But I just don't know what that is...
    I'm trying to think of some ideas for me to do...but I don't think it is working out. I will put a list down below (yes, I know some of them will be stupid but these are just the first thinks that pop up in my head)
  • Food (aka: my dinner): I would take picture of my dinner once week (that I attempted to cook myself), then write down the recipe, and then add my own comments.
  • Trying To Fix My Bad Habits: Some of my habits would be not doing homework/studying until the last minute, leaving my room and bathroom a mess, procrastination, laziness, and spending to much time on my phone and laptop. If I were to do this one, I would try to improve these habits and my blogs would consist of my process and struggles
     Yeah....that's all I can think of right now. Typing out what I would do for each topic helped me realize that I am kind of leaning towards the Cooking/Baking subject. Since I really do enjoy cooking and its a good way to help my mom, I might do the first one. I will think about it tonight, and make a final decision by tomorrow. If I do end up wanting to this, then I will work on my Project Proposal and upload that for my next blog post.

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