Thursday, December 11, 2014

20% Time Project Proposal


Name: Joanne Park

Project Title:  (I’m not sure…still thinking)

Project Start Date: November 7th, 2014

Project Completion Date: May 15th, 2015

Mentor’s Name:  Linda Kim, Andy Park, and Joseph Park

Brief Description:  I am going to cook different recipes, and try to improve my cooking and share different recipes.

Overview of Project Proposal


1)      Project Objective:

 I plan to cook a dish once a week and write down the recipe along with my own comments on it. I plan on making things from scratch, or just by myself.

By the end of this year I hope to have a cook book with all the different recipes in it. Or just being able to help my parents cook dinner when they are not feeling well.

2)      Project Rationale:

I am doing this because I enjoy cooking and baking, but I am not the best at it. Plus I really like trying new things and I REALLY love eating >.<.  Food is good, really good. Anyways I want to improve my cooking skills so that I can cook m self something to eat when my parents are not feeling well or sleeping.

That is another reason why I want to learn how to cook, so I can help my parents. I want to be able to help them out when they are sick or busy. Also I could make them a meal for their birthdays or Mother’s/ Father’s day.

3)      Project Steps:

·         Help my mom cook once a wee

·         Ask for the recipe

·         Research different recipes

·         Cook the ones I found

·         Write down the recipe on my blog

·         Post the recipe, picture, and my own comments

4) Timeline of Activities

December 2014

·         Try out cooking once a week

·         Upload different recipes for the holidays

January 2015

·         Fix and blog issues I ran into the past month

·         Give tips

·         Cook/bake for my friends’ birthdays (they have a lot of January birthdays)

·         If I find something helpful share

February 2015

·         Post blogs

·         Help cook with my mom or dad

March 2015

·         Post blogs

·         Starting thinking of ways to present my project at the end of the year

April 2015

·         Post blogs

·         Come up with the “official” presentation

·         Work on a draft for the presentation

May 2015

·         Post last couple blogs

·         Work on presentation

·         Write an overall “experience” blog

4)      Available Human and Material Resources:

·         Mentors above

·         YouTube videos (cooking videos)

·         Cook Books

·         Social Media ( Pinterest, Facebook, Tumblr, etc.)

5)      Possible Road Blocks:

·         Not enough supplies

·         Too much school work

·         My mom may not like me cooking in her kitchen

·         Nothing I would want to cook

·         My cooking may taste bad

·         Time

·         I might burn the house down

6)      Research Questions:

·         What will this teach me in life?

·         What will my family/friends think of my cooking/baking?

·         What benefits does cooking have?







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