Monday, May 11, 2015

Blog No. 11

   During my presentation, I was so nervous that I would forget my speech and ruin my entire presentation. When I had to say my speech for the first time I didn't follow my note cards or say anything I wanted to. I ended up talking to her as if I was just having a normal conversation with. I was pretty upset that I didn't follow my speech as planned, but I was glad that I was able to just talk naturally and not be nervous. I enjoyed the presentation, and I'm glad we did this.

20% Time Speech

When we were first introduced to this project, I was so confused on what I was going to do. I thought that whatever I did had to be beneficial to my future and I also had to be able to enjoy it. Within the first month of this project I realized I was wrong. My first idea on this project was to memorize all the bones in the human body. I chose this because I want to be a doctor and thought that I should start preparing right now. In my opinion starting this early is not a bad idea; the fact that I didn’t enjoy doing this was the reason why I stopped.

            After I realized I did not like my first plan, I came up with a new one. That plan was to do posts about food. I know you are probably thinking “how did you go from bones and the human body to food”, well it’s because I really like food. I originally planned to cook and post each thing I cooked or baked on my blog, share my own recipes, and share recipes I find and want to try. This plan was not a complete fail because I did share a chicken recipe that was my own, and I also did shared a lot of recipes from YouTube, pinterest, and tumblr. I guess the reason why I see this idea as a fail was because I said I would post a cooking/baking blogs but I didn’t. I kept promising to myself that I would cook anything that I wanted, but I wasn’t able to keep that promise.

            Even though I had trouble with trying to understand the whole point of this project, I think I have finally came up with the right answer (even though there is no wrong or right answer). This project was made so that I can learn more about myself and surprisingly I did. I have learned that I am very lazy. I know, I know that is not the nicest thing to say about myself, but I am normally a very pessimistic person. Plus, I think if I knew the truth about myself then I would be able to know how to fix the flaws I dislike about myself.

            Why I think I’m lazy is very obvious…is it not? Well if it isn’t, let me tell you why. When I trashed my first idea for this 20% time project, it was because I didn’t enjoy it and I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to accomplish it since I didn’t really have any motivations to keep me going. Another thing that screams out “you’re lazy” is that I had a lot of time on my hands to be able to cook/bake at least one thing, but I didn’t. I am pretty disappointed that I didn’t really have a goal to accomplish, but I guess learning more about myself is accomplishing something, right? But on the bright side, I did enjoy this project! I mean…come on... who wouldn’t like looking at food for an hour and twenty minutes, because I know I wouldn’t.


Friday, May 1, 2015

Blog No. 10

   This presentation is making me really really stressed...why? Because I have so much question on my mind, and the only person who can answer them is me...yeah these are some of my questions:
  • How am I supposed to right my speech?
  • What is my speech supposed to be about?
  • How am I going to present this when I have really big stage fright?
  • What is my board supposed to look like?
  Yeah...I'm starting to panic because I don't know what to do and how im going to be able to do it...I don't know.. I hope I will get this all figured out soon

Friday, April 3, 2015

Blog No. 9

   I just can't find anything I want to do this project on... I mean I'm fine with sharing different recipes that I am interested in, but I really have no motivation to cook or try them out myself. So I doubt I will be cooking at all on this blog. Honestly, I can't find what I want to do, what I'm good at, and what I actually enjoy doing. Right now I guess I'm going to continue posting recipes, but I really want to be able to find my 'talent' and what I have interest in by the end of this project. If I happen to find those things by the end of this project then I would have no problem with the presentation, but if I don't then I won't have a good presentation on this project...which I think will most likely happen. Hopefully I can find those things soon, but in the mean is another recipe :p. (BTW its kind of hard finding some recipes now because the school blocked like everything...)

  Okay I actually tried this before so I know that this one is good! Since the weather is turning hot, having a nice cold snack is the best. I really really love ice cream and I could eat a whole tub of ice cream by myself if I wanted...but that's not healthy so I don't. So a good healthy alternative to ice cream is FROZEN BANANAS!! All you need to make frozen banana 'ice cream' is:
  • one banana
  • plate
  • plastic wrap
  • freezer
  • blender
  • toppings (optional)
   And this is how you make it:
  1. cut your banana into small disks
  2. place disks on a plate and cover with the plastic wrap
  3. place plate in freezer and leave them in there until it is completely frozen
  4. take out the plate and put the disks in a blender
  5. blender until ice cream consistency
  6. place the 'ice cream' in a bowl and add your toppings (optional)
  7. serve and enjoy

Friday, March 6, 2015

Blog No. 8

   ...The biggest problem I have with myself is my laziness...that's basically the main reason why I don't cook for my blog. Sorry I'm so lazy.. I promise I will work on becoming less lazy and cook this weekend and post it next week. I promise! Sorry that this is also going to be a very very very short blog.. but I have something that you guys might enjoy! Okay if you don't like raw cookie dough, then you are crazy! But we all know that raw cookie dough is not good for you because it contains raw eggs in it. Soo I found a recipe for EDIBLE CHOCOLATE COOKIE DOUGH!! Hope you guys will enjoy this recipe!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Blog No. 7

   ummmmmm yeah... I forgot to ask my mom about having  day for me to cook or like I just cook any day I want and just post it on Friday (I'm probably going to do the second one but I don't know..) Okay I honestly don't even know if I want to cook... but I do know for a fact that I do looking at different food recipes and pictures of food... I just don't know if I want to cook and stuff. I mean I'm fine with eating and giving my thoughts, but I don't know if I will enjoy cooking...because I'm not good at it. So yeah, that is my little conflict I'm going through.
  Today's blog will be short, so I will end it with something I've been wanting to eat.. . This seriously made me drool... if i were to chose a dish to try out on my own, I would definetly pick this one.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Blog No. 6

   I talked to Mrs. Browning about my blog, and she told me I should consider having a specific day I cook at home and then post it here. So I am trying to work out a plan with my mom. I will post what we agree on in next week's blog!
  For today's blog I don't think it will be a long one (mostly because I don't know what to post). I think I might just give y'all some dessert recipes I want to try out.

  The first dessert is...S'MORE BARS!!I really love eating s'mores, but I can't eat them because I don't have an open fire I can make them with. But I can now make them whenever I want (plus its less messy).

  The second recipe is HOME MADE POPTARTS!! Okay who doesn't love poptarts? Well I know that my family and I LOVE poptarts, but my mom doesn't buy them for us because they are too sugary and bad for us. I mean these poptarts are pretty sugary too, but at least you know what they are made of.

  The last recipe is OREP TRUFFLES!! I picked this recipe because I am currently obsessed with oreos.... so yeah. Oh and also because this just sounds and looks amazing. Other then that, there is no other reason why I want to try this out. I mean correct me if I'm wrong, but oreos are just delicious.
*all of these recipes came from pinterist*

Friday, January 16, 2015

Blog No. 5

Okay so for this blog post...I will tell you guys the recipe to my mom's Chicken and Broccoli dish. (WARNING: she does not know the exact know how moms just go by instinct.)
  • chicken breast
  • garlic (crushed) 
  • olive oil
  • sesame seed oil
  • white wine
  • salt and pepper
  • broccoli
  • carrots
  • hot peppers
  • 1-2tb sweet rice wine
  1. thinly slice your chicken breast
  2. put your chicken slices in a bowl with garlic, a little it of olive oil, a good amount of sesame oil, a little bit of white wine (so you can take the smell away), and salt and pepper (to your liking).
  3. marinate the chicken by mixing all the ingredients together (recommend to do it by hand), set aside
  4. cut your broccoli, carrots, and hot peppers.
  5. in a pan with a little bit of  olive oil, you put your carrots, peppers, and chicken and cook over medium-high heat.
  6. in the middle of the chicken cooking, add one or two tablespoons of sweet rice wine
  7. then when it is almost ready, add your broccoli in and change the heat to medium-low heat
  8. cook until ready
  9. serve
I personally like this dish a lot, and so do my friends. it may not fit other people's taste buds, but I do recommend you try it :)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Blog No. 4 I've been wanting to eat pizza for a LONG time. so for this weeks blog I will post a pizza roll recipe I found on pinterest!

   This is the homemade pizza roll recipe I REALLY  want to try. I got this recipe and picture from pinterest, but the original recipe came from (is it okay to use that website even when it has a bad word in it..?). The recipe needs the ingredients listed down below:
  • 1 tube of crescent rolls
  • 1/2 cup of mini pepperonis
  •  4 sticks of string cheese (halved)
  • 2tb (tablespoons) of unsalted butter
  • 1/2tp (teaspoon) of Italian seasoning
It takes 20 minutes to make, and serves 8 people. The steps to making these rolls are down below:
  1. preheat oven to 375F.
  2. get a nonstick pan and put it aside
  3. remove rolls from the can and spread them out into 8 triangles
  4. put 1tb of mini pepperoni and half a cheese stick on the top of each triangle
  5. starting from the wide end, roll the triangle up while tucking in the ends
  6. put the seams side down on the pan
  7. cook for 10-12 minutes, until golden brown
  8. while the rolls are baking, mix a mixture of melted butter and Italian seasoning
  9. immediately put on the sauce when the rolls are done
  10. serve and enjoy!
Again...this is NOT mine. I just found it on pinterest and shared it!